Reversible Kiwi Bird/Fruit Crochet Amigurumi Pattern!

Hi there! I’m Kiwi! It’s right there in the name, so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to crochet the ultimate kiwi: both the kiwi bird and fruit in one! This little guy can be turned inside out to become a fruit, or a bird, but no matter what, it’s a cutie patootie🥝So join me as I show you really shabbily how to make this round fella.

This is a beginner-friendly amigurumi project, all you need are the following skills:
– Crocheting in the round
– Changing colours
– Magic Ring or your preferred starting method
– Chain (ch)
– Single Crochet (sc)
– Single Crochet Increase (inc)
– Single Crochet Decrease (dec)

Here are the materials we will be using:
– Yarn in the colours: brown, green, white, black, yellow
– Safety eyes
– Crochet hook and yarn needle
– A bunch of enthusiasm
(For my kiwi, I used 4-ply milk cotton and a 4mm hook, but feel free to switch it up!)

Are you ready? Well, whether you are or not, let’s get started!

Reversible Kiwi Bird/Fruit Crochet Pattern

Pattern notes:
– Repeats are in parentheses ()
– Total number of stitches for each row are in square brackets []
– I will be alternating increases each row, but increase whichever way is most comfortable for you

Bird body:
In brown yarn, from the head downwards,
1. 6 sc in magic ring [6]
2. (inc) x6 [12]
3. (sc, inc) x6 [18]
4-6. 18sc around for 3 rows [18]
7. (sc, inc, sc) x6 [24]
8. (3sc, inc) x6 [30]
9. (2sc, inc, 2sc) x6 [36]
10-16. 36sc around for 7 rows
17. (2sc, dec, 2sc) x6 [30]
18. (3sc, dec) x6 [24]
19. (sc, dec, sc) x6 [18]
Fasten off.

Kiwi body:
In white yarn, from the center of the kiwi,
1. 6sc in magic ring [6]
2. (inc) x6 [12]
Switch to green yarn,
3. (sc, inc) x6 [18]
4. (sc, inc, sc) x6 [24]
5. (3sc, inc) x6 [30]
6. (2sc, inc, 2sc) x6 [36]
Switch to brown yarn,
7-13. 36sc around for 7 rows
14. (2sc, dec, 2sc) x6 [30]
15. (3sc, dec) x6 [24]
16. (sc, dec, sc) x6 [18]
DO NOT fasten off, you will be using the yarn to stitch the two bodies together. But before that, we have to make the small parts.

In yellow yarn,
1. ch7
2. Turn, skip the first chain, ch6 back down your chain
Fasten off

Feet (make 2):
In black yarn,
1. ch6
2. Turn, skip the first chain, ch5 back down your chain
Fasten off

While we’re here, use your black yarn to sew some seeds into your kiwi fruit.

Before stitching the bodies together, let’s attach the small parts:
– Add your safety eyes onto your kiwi. I did mine between rows 5-6, 5 stitches apart.
– Attach your beak in between the eyes. You can tie the two hanging yarn ends together on the wrong end to secure it.
– Attach the legs at the bottom of the kiwi. You can secure it using the method above too.
– Place the kiwi fruit body into the kiwi bird body. Make sure both the kiwi fruit and bird bodies are facing right side out (i.e. their wrong sides are facing each other).
– Using the yarn that wasn’t fastened off from the kiwi fruit body, pull the yarn through a stitch on the kiwi bird body. Chain 1 to fasten. Slip stitch through each stitch in the round. [18]
Fasten off.

Your kiwi is done!